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Saturday, June 18, 2011

One Month Anniversary and Father's Day

Since tomorrow will be busy and I will have no time to get online and talk about how insanely awesome my day has been I will just go ahead and make this post for today and tomorrow!!

I know it isn't a year or anything but a month is a month, right? Anyway... Happy One Month Anniversary to us!! At least we got a good laugh when the lady we paid for our supper gave me a sucker because she thought I was his child. But hey, at least she told him Happy Father's Day! haha!! :)

Oh my goodness!! It is the first wedding photo I have posted to my blog! I can't just give them to you all at once! That would just spoil the fun! So, over the next couple of... well, however long it takes me to finish going through them all... I will add a picture from the wedding.

Since this is the first time I decided to post anything about this, I guess I can give you just one more!

Happy Father's Day Daddy! I love you!

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