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Monday, June 11, 2012

Just the Three of Us!!

Well I haven't been able to blog here lately but like always there is a good reason.  
We bought a new house at the beginning of May. 
I had surgery the second week of May which had me on the couch recovering. 
The third week of May I became sick (and have been sick since) with a cold.
Of course our one year wedding anniversary was the fourth week.
We also got to move into the new house during that week/weekend.
Thank goodness for the help of our nephews, without them it would not be possible.
Packing boxes, driving back and forth between apartment and house, cleaning, painting, etc. Exhausting!! 

Little did I know that during this busy time I was pregnant. :) 
Depending on whether you go by the gestational age or the fertilization age I am either 7 weeks or 5 weeks.  
Since the due date of Baby White will be February 5 (which means they are going by the gestational age) that is how I will keep up with his/her progress over the next couple of weeks/months.  

We are extremely excited!! 
For those of you who know us well know that we have been trying for this baby since September. 
Only through prayer was this baby sent to us.  

The day we found out I was pregnant we talked about what each of us were doing the night before. 
My sweet husband says he prayed for this baby the night before.
I then became very emotional because I knew what I had done the previous night.  
When my sweet husband came to bed he wanted to talk, I was of course reading my bible.
I told him I was reading and was almost at a stopping point but I had to finish this chapter. 
I was reading 1 Samuel. 
1 Samuel begins with the story of Hannah. 
Hannah is married to Elkanah and is unable to give him a child.
Hannah prays to God for a child. 
Eli (a priest) finds Hannah praying for a child and tells her that God would bless her...

The next day after some persuasion from a sweet friend of mine, I finally took a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE!!!

Just to clear everything up, I am 7 weeks pregnant and our sweet baby is the size of a blueberry! 

 How precious!! 
Like I have said already we are so excited! 
We have three weeks until we go to the doctor for the first time. 
Probably the most nervous I have ever been... 

But until then, I will occupy myself with two weeks at the beach!! :) 

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