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Welcome to My Blog!! Where I tell you anything I want and you have every right to read it but please don't steal it. Unless you really, really want to! :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yesterday was a little busy but nothing too demanding. I woke up and went and ate lunch with in Starkville. Then u drove to West Point to tan. Someone please remind me to go to the tanning bed early so I don't sweat to death! I really need to get a lot darker for the wedding! Ah! Only one more week!!

We walked again today at the Riverwalk only this time we walked the whole track which is about 4 1/2 miles. I ran some of it but there were just too many people for me to run through so I decided to walk instead. When the summer has been here a while people will get off their health kick and go back to their every day lazy self so I will have room! :) (not nice to say but it's true and you know it). There was a lady yesterday wearing a jumpsuit that looked like aluminum foil. I couldn't help but laugh it was funny! And it was also 91 degrees!

I'm going to be nice from here on out I promise!

So, I showed you all how horrible of a cook I am. I think I was even described as a bad future wife for my cooking skills. Well kiss my foot because last night I redeemed myself!

This my dear, is perfect cornbread! It was amaze! I made purple hull peas and Chicken Alfredo to go with. We also had some of grandmas salsa on the peas. (When I say we... I mean I). Now that I have talked about my cooking let me give you some background.

Monday we went to grandmas house to get one of my bridesmaids fitted for her dress. Of course grandma is going to have vegetables every time you come over so she went out to the shed and started getting out canned vegetables. After she brought it all inside she showed us how to make homemade cornbread. I called her last night to ask what kind of oil to put in the peas... I said olive Shannon said vegetable... I won! Then she said the words that got me worried... "do you have your cornbread in the oven?"...

This is when I have to tell the truth and say... "I don't remember how to make it"

Grandma is a patient lady so she stays on the phone with me as she tells me her measurements. When we were at her house and she said one cup she just poured, 1/4 she used her hand, anything else she just poured so I was worried when she wanted me to use a measuring cup. But it turned out perfect! Don't believe me... look at the picture crazy!!

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